You may have heard that ELECTIVE SURGERY IN AUSTRALIA IS BEING POSTPONED except for the most urgent of cases. There are some procedures such as gastroscopy which are quite high risk for spreading the virus and need to be avoided in all but the most urgent situations. The majority of weight loss surgery should be deferred for patient safety as well as the capacity of the hospitals to cope with acute admissions.
At SURGICAL WEIGHT LOSS SOLUTIONS we have had to cancel some of our upcoming bookings. If that is the case, we are contacting our patients directly to discuss options. While we do not know how long this isolation will last we are also making plans for the restart and how we might catch up on things then.
URGENT SURGERY IS STILL GOING AHEAD and sometimes weight loss surgical patients have urgent conditions. So if you are feeling unwell please call us and we will help address the problem.
THE SITUATION IS CHANGING SO RAPIDLY that we haven’t created plans for our longer term future theatre dates because we’re not sure what will be happening.
BE REASSURED THAT WE WILL STILL BE WORKING, and are continuing our consultations, in Richmond and Niddrie. So while our preferred option is telehealth, we can make face to face appointments if that is what is necessary.
If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to call Robyn or Jenn and we will work it out!