We are in difficult and rapidly changing times with this Coronavirus epidemic. Each State and each Country is at a different stage. New Zealand might be able to keep it at bay by quarantining everybody who enters the country. Lucky them. It’s past that stage in Australia but not at the point of USA or Europe where it is barely under control. So the reports from overseas do not apply to us.
At the moment (15th March) there are virtually no people in the community in Melbourne spreading the virus, but that will change - it’s the nature of viral infection.
We are a medical practice and we need to continue to provide care for our patients.
We are changing how we do our appointments. It is important for care to go on.
IF YOU ARE IN ISOLATION BECAUSE OF INFECTION, OR QUARANTINED because you have had contact with a known case, then you should not come to our office. Don’t hesitate to call us. If you have a priority problem, eg: your band is too tight, and you are in isolation, we will make special arrangements.
IF YOU ARE WELL AND HAVE AN APPOINTMENT please look out for the SMS reminder, and make sure you confirm. If we don’t need to meet face to face then we will try to have a telehealth appointment.
That means for regular review appointments we can talk, record your weight, send out blood requests or scripts etc.
IF YOU NEED A FACE TO FACE APPOINTMENT, eg band adjustment, then make sure we know you are coming.
WE ARE REDUCING THE NUMBER OF CHAIRS IN OUR WAITING AREAS, so please do not arrive more than 15 minutes before your appointment. Please choose a seat at least 1 metre away from others if you can. We will try to make hand sanitizer available. Please use that when you arrive and before you leave. It’s hard to find - please don’t take it away for your personal use!.
WE WILL TRY TO RUN TO TIME, so as to minimize your time in the waiting room. We will endeavour to contact you if we are running late..
If there are too many in our waiting area we may ask you to wait outside or in your car for a short period of time.
IF YOU ARE OVER 15 MINUTES LATE for an appointment do not just come anyway - please contact us by phone and we will reschedule.
PLEASE DO NOT FEEL FRIGHTENED BY THIS - we need to be alert but not alarmed, and these are some strategies that will help to protect us all and minimise our risk of the virus spreading.